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I would like to thank you for your interest in Garver's products. We manufacture a wide variety of industrial centrifuges, bottle shakers, and bottle washers as well as custom equipment. Below, I have listed the use's of our centrifuges and some of our custom equipment options. Just give me a call at 765-964-5828 or email me at sales1@garvermfg.com, I would be very happy to help you with any inquiries you may have.

Michael F Read—President



Company Test Procedure
Dairy (Milk Production) Babcock and Gerber
Cheese (Processors) Babcock and Gerber
Food (Processors) Babcock and Gerber
Meat Babcock and Mojonnier
Ice Cream (Processors) Babcock and Gerber
Steel Plants Acid-Splits and Babcock
Oil Processor Acid-Splits and Babcock
Sugared & Flavored Dairy Products Mojonnier
Water Treatment Plants Sediment
Pet Food (Processor) Babcock and Mojonnier
Veterinary Parasite Evaluation and Semen Separation
Colleges (Teaching Instrument) Babcock, Gerber, and Mojonnier
Volatile Environments Hand Crank and Air Driven Centrifuges


Parasite Evaluation, Semen Preparation, Sediment, Hand Crank, Air Driven, Digital Tachometers, Automatic Lid Locks, Electronic Timers, Electronic Speed Controls, Custom Rotor Heads, and Custom Motor RPM/G's